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Factors in Expected Lifespan of Your Sandy Home’s Furnace

As we move from the hot Utah summer into the fall and eventually the winter season, residents and homeowners around the state are starting to consider their homes’ heating components and their quality. In most cases, the key item being considered here is the furnace, and one particular area that’s a common concern in this realm is how long your furnace is expected to last while working efficiently. 

At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we’re happy to provide comprehensive furnace services to clients in Sandy and nearby areas, including furnace maintenance and tune-ups, furnace repairs and even new furnace installations if needed. During our tune-ups and other appointments, we’re often asked about furnace lifespan areas, including the factors that influence how long a given furnace should last. Here are some of the most important such variables that will play a major role in your furnace’s lifespan, plus what you can do to maximize each area.


First and foremost, one distinct area of furnace lifespan that most homeowners actually don’t have much control over is the installation itself. Proper furnace installation is vital to the long-term health of your system, and this is an area where we always recommend working with a professional HVAC contractor. While a DIY approach might save you some money upfront, it could cause problems – and added costs – down the road if something isn’t done correctly.

Unfortunately, though, even some less reputable professionals might not do the best possible job with your furnace installation. This is one area where it really pays to do some research in advance and choose a contractor that you can trust to do the job right the first time around.

Ventilation Quality

While partially related to installation, ventilation quality is a distinct variable that can influence furnace lifespan. Once your furnace is installed, it’s important to make sure that there are no cracks or gaps around the unit itself. Additionally, the ductwork in your home should be properly sealed and insulated to keep heat from escaping and minimize any potential issues with airflow.

If you’re not confident in your home’s current level of insulation and ventilation, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our technicians. We can assess the current state of your system and make recommendations for any necessary changes or repairs.

Dust, Dirt and Debris Buildup

Over time, it’s inevitable that some dust, dirt and debris will make its way into your furnace. This is especially true if you have pets in the home, as animal hair can be a major problem for furnaces. In most cases, though, this buildup won’t cause any significant problems as long as it’s properly removed on a regular basis.

However, some homeowners don’t realize that they need to clean their furnace filters on a monthly basis at minimum. If these filters aren’t changed regularly, they can quickly become clogged with debris. This will not only reduce your furnace’s efficiency but also put unnecessary strain on the system, which could lead to a shortened lifespan.

Additionally, we recommend having your entire furnace – not just the filters – cleaned at least once a year. This deeper level of cleaning can help to remove any stubborn dirt and debris that might be clinging to different areas of the unit.

Type of Furnace

Another important factor in furnace lifespan is the type of furnace that you have installed in your home. In general, gas furnaces tend to last longer than electric models – typically between 15 and 20 years. Electric furnaces, on the other hand, usually only last for 10 to 15 years.

Of course, this is just a general rule of thumb and there are always exceptions. In some cases, an electric furnace might last for 20 years or more while a gas furnace might only last for 10 to 15 years. It really depends on the individual unit and how well it’s been maintained over the years.

Now, this is an area where you as a homeowner may or may not have much control. If you purchased the home after the furnace was already installed, you might not be able to do anything about the type of furnace that you have. However, if you’re in the market for a new furnace, this is definitely something to keep in mind.

Overall Maintenance

Finally, one of the most important things that you can do to extend your furnace’s lifespan is to keep up with regular maintenance. Just like any other type of mechanical system, furnaces need to be regularly inspected and serviced to ensure that they’re running properly.

And while certain small elements of this maintenance can be easily carried out by homeowners themselves, such as changing filters regularly or scheduling an annual furnace cleaning, it’s always best to leave the larger tasks to a professional.

At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we offer comprehensive furnace maintenance services that can help to keep your system running smoothly for years to come. Our technicians will thoroughly inspect your furnace and make any necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure optimal performance. Not only this, but we’ll offer you simple expertise on how to keep your furnace running properly on a day-to-day basis.

If you’re interested in learning more about our maintenance services or if you have any other questions about our numerous heating and air services to Sandy clients, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our team is standing by to take your call.


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