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HVAC And Other Methods for Reducing Home Allergens

As we prepare to move from the hot Utah summer into the cooler fall season, many people who deal with allergies will be highly cognizant of rising allergen levels. These tend to come in both the spring and fall periods each year, and will often lead to those with allergies experiencing much greater and more frequent symptoms – but within your home, there are several ways you can help limit these risks, including proper use of your HVAC system.

At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we’re here to offer a huge range of air filtration and purification services to clients around Sandy and Draper, including solutions for allergies and any other kind of common home contaminant. Here are several basic tips, both HVAC and in related areas, to help limit allergens in your home and keep those who deal with allergies in as much comfort as possible.

Filters, Filters, Filters

Your HVAC filter is vital for several reasons, including limiting allergens. The entire primary purpose of this filter is to ensure that the air coming in from outside is as clean and contaminant-free as possible, with filters available ranging from basic MERV 8s to higher-end HEPA models.

As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to change out your filter every three months or so – but depending on the model and type you’re using, this frequency could be much shorter. You can also look into specific filters that are meant to block common allergens, ultimately preventing them from entering your home in the first place.

Managing Humidity

Many of the most common allergens – dust mites, molds, and other microorganisms – thrive in high humidity levels. As such, you should ensure that your home remains at a comfortable level of humidity all year round; a good target is between 35 to 50 percent, though this can change depending on the season and local climate conditions.

Fortunately, most modern HVAC systems come with dehumidifiers or humidifiers built-in to help manage the humidity levels in your home. Additionally, there are a number of other methods you can use to control moisture, such as using exhaust fans and limiting the amount of houseplants in your home.

Energy Upgrades

While you may not have thought of these two concepts as related, energy upgrades can actually help with reducing allergens in your home. Many of the most common allergens thrive in places that are poorly insulated and airtight, which is why improving the overall insulation and sealing around windows and doors can be beneficial.

Another common energy upgrade is duct sealing, which can help reduce airborne allergens from entering the air in your home. With duct sealing, all of the connections between your HVAC system and its components are sealed up tight with a special mastic sealant that keeps allergens from passing through.

Air Purifiers and Other Standalone Items

For homes that have particular trouble with allergens, you can also look into purchasing an air purifier or other standalone items designed to reduce allergens in the air. These types of products typically draw in airborne particles through their filters, cleaning them out of the air before they have a chance to cause any issues.

For instance, whole-home air purifiers can be installed directly into your HVAC system, while standalone products are typically much smaller and can be placed in a single room to keep the allergens there contained. Additionally, many of these items come with extra features that can make them even more effective at eliminating allergens from your home, such as UV light systems or activated carbon filters.

At-Home Behaviors

Additionally, many of the simplest and most effective methods for reducing allergens in your home can be done with a few simple changes to your regular habits. Vacuuming regularly, covering pillows and mattresses with dust mite covers, and washing bedding in hot water are all great ways of minimizing the presence of allergens in your home.

Finally, don’t forget about common sources of pet dander and dust – regular grooming and cleaning can go a long way in helping to keep these particles out of your home, in addition to maintaining the other methods mentioned above.

At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we’re committed to our clients’ comfort all year round – and that includes ensuring that any issues with allergies are kept under control. If you have questions about how to reduce allergens in your home through proper HVAC system utilization, or to learn about any of our heating or cooling services around Sandy and Draper, speak to our team today.


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