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Risks of Skipping Fall HVAC Maintenance

That hot Utah summer is finally behind us, and we’re moving into the fall and eventually the winter season. This means it’s time to have your HVAC system inspected and maintained by professionals before we switch fully into heating season – and there are some key risks you take if you don’t take this approach.

At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we’re here to offer unmatched heating and air conditioning services around Sandy, Draper and nearby areas, including AC and furnace maintenance appointments we carry out seasonally for our clients. Here are some of the key risks you’re taking by skipping these services, which will double as major reasons why you should ensure you’ve made your appointment this fall.

Small Repairs Becoming Big Problems

One of the chief purposes of regular maintenance for your HVAC system is catching small issues before they develop into much larger problems. Whether it’s a slight leak in the AC unit or a strange noise coming from the furnace, these are often indicative of small malfunctions that can be quickly and easily addressed by our experienced technicians – but only if you have us out to look at things regularly.

The reason these appointments are typically scheduled for fall and spring seasons is because these are ideal “transitional” periods – that is, times when your system is shifting from one mode (cooling or heating) to another. These transitions are a great time to both assess any strain on the system from the prior season and catch any minor damage that might have occurred, while also prepping components for the upcoming seasonal change.

Decreasing Energy Efficiency

Another major area that’s covered during these maintenance appointments: Overall energy efficiency in the home. Our technicians will check multiple areas related to this, from ensuring all vents and ducts are fully open to inspecting your thermostat for any potential calibration issues.

Your system may be working against itself and using more energy than necessary if there are even small problems in this area – which means higher utility bills that could have been avoided. And as a bonus, correcting these issues will also improve your home’s comfort levels.

Breakdown Risks

Those who skip regular maintenance appointments are also taking on major breakdown risks for their HVAC system. Because simple components that prevent these breakdowns will not have been inspected and fixed, your system will be far more prone to these sorts of issues – including at the worst possible times.

The last thing you want is to be dealing with a major furnace breakdown right in the dead of winter, as you’re trying to keep your home warm in harsh conditions. This is a major risk if you skip regular appointments, but one that can be easily avoided with a simple annual appointment.

In addition, remember that basic HVAC maintenance such as filter changes and visual inspections should still be carried out between professional appointments – part of our job is teaching our clients how to stay on top of thesebasic tasks themselves.

Warranty Problems

In many cases, manufacturer warranties for HVAC systems require regular professional maintenance in order to remain valid. As a result, skipping these appointments could put your warranty at risk if it’s ever needed – meaning you could be on the hook for major costs that were supposed to be covered.

In fact, the majority of HVAC component manufacturers today require yearly maintenance to keep your warranty valid. Don’t take the risk of voiding this valuable coverage – make sure you have us out for an appointment each fall and spring.

Decreasing Long-Term Lifespan

Another big risk of skipping maintenance appointments: Decreased lifespan for various components, particularly the AC and furnace themselves. Without regular checkups and tune-ups to keep things running smoothly and address any potential wear-and-tear, these systems will be put under significant strain that could eventually lead to permanent damage.

Discomfort and Frustration

From a personal standpoint, those who skip maintenance appointments also put themselves at risk for discomfort and frustration in their home. Imagine having to deal with a poorly functioning AC or furnace throughout the entire season, rather than being able to rest easy knowing they’ve been checked out and are working properly.

Don’t take these risks this fall – call us today to schedule your annual HVAC maintenance appointment! The professionals at Thompson’s Comfort Connection are here to ensure your system runs smoothly and efficiently all year long, whether you’re in Sandy, Draper or any nearby area. We’re standing by to take your call!


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