Unlocking the Power of Electric Furnaces in Homes
Getting the very most out of various components around your home is important for both comfort and cost-related reasons, and your furnace is a great example during any cooler months. Electric furnaces have become more and more popular in recent years – what are electric furnaces, what makes them an attractive option to many homeowners, and what can you do to fully unlock the power of an electric furnace in your home?
At Thompson’s Comfort Connection, we’re proud to offer a wide range of furnace repair and furnace installation services for clients around Sandy, Midvale, Draper, Riverton, Cottonwood Heights and nearby areas of Utah. We regularly deal with electric furnaces, and we’ll help you not only find the right model for your home, but also maximize its power and efficiency throughout the year. Here are some basics from our team.
What is An Electric Furnace?
For those just learning about them, electric furnaces are a type of furnace that does not use natural gas as its primary fuel source. Instead, it runs on electricity to heat the air that’s then circulated throughout your home in order to maintain comfortable temperatures during colder months.
There is no combustion process involved with an electric furnace – instead, this type of furnace uses heating coils or elements made from metal alloy wire, which heat up when electricity passes through them. This heated air is then blown into the ductwork and dispersed throughout your home through vents.
Why Choose An Electric Furnace?
One major draw for homeowners considering an electric furnace is cost savings – these units tend to be more affordable upfront compared to other types of furnaces, and they also require less maintenance over their lifespan. They’re also much safer than gas furnaces since there’s no risk of gas leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning.
But beyond these practical benefits, electric furnaces offer greater versatility in terms of installation – they can be placed in various locations around the home without requiring ventilation for exhaust fumes. This allows for more flexible placement options, which is especially convenient for smaller homes or those with limited space.
And with some basic approaches, you can truly unlock the power and efficiency of an electric furnace in your home. Our next few sections will go over some tips for doing so.
Regular Filter Changes
Our first tip is actually one that applies to both electric and gas furnaces – regular filter changes are a must. These filters help catch dust, debris and other particles that can impede your furnace’s performance, so it’s important to change them every one to three months.
If you’re unsure of how to change your furnace filter, our team can help – we’ll even show you how to do it yourself in the future. In addition, most filter manufacturers list their recommended changing guidelines on their products.
Invest in a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats are becoming increasingly popular across all types of homes, and for good reason. They offer advanced technology that allows you to set specific heating schedules, adjust temperatures remotely through an app on your phone, and even learn your preferences over time.
With an electric furnace specifically, a smart thermostat can help reduce energy costs by ensuring the system is only running when necessary and at optimal efficiency levels. This is especially beneficial during colder months when heating bills tend to skyrocket.
Let The Thermostat Work
While you certainly will want to tweak the thermostat initially to find your ideal comfort ranges, it’s best to let it do its job after that. Constantly adjusting the temperature can actually decrease efficiency and wear out your furnace faster.
Instead, find a comfortable range and leave it there – you’ll save money and ensure your furnace is running smoothly for years to come.
Monitoring Basic Electricity Bills
Especially in the weeks and months directly after installing your electric furnace, take note of your electricity bills and compare them to past years. If you notice a significant decrease, it’s likely attributed to your new efficient system. However, if there’s no difference or even an increase, consider having our team come take a look – there may be an issue with your furnace that needs addressing.
Electric furnaces are a great option for homeowners looking for affordable, safe and versatile heating solutions. With some basic tips in mind, you can fully unlock the power and efficiency of an electric furnace in your home. And don’t forget – Thompson’s Comfort Connection is always here to help with all your furnace needs! Contact us today to learn more about any of our furnace or AC services around Sandy, Midvale, Draper, Riverton, Cottonwood Heights or other parts of Utah.
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